Fall 2025 Morehead State University Graduate Assistantship (US Based)

Scholarship Awarding University: 

Type of degree: 

Scholarship Deadline: 
Applications for this scholarship will be reviewed on an ongoing basis

Scholarship Summary: 
Graduate students (domestic and international) are eligible to apply for a graduate assistantship at MSU. A well-planned and properly executed graduate assistantship stimulates and nourishes the development of the committed student while providing financial support. An assistantship provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, strengthen communication skills, and develop leadership abilities. Assistantships are limited and very competitive.

Scholarship Applicant Criteria:
To be eligible for consideration;
You must be admitted to a graduate degree program. Conditionally admitted students are eligible for a graduate assistantship (GA) for one semester only and must satisfy those conditions before the next semester in order to continue the GA position.
You must be enrolled in and maintain 9 graduate hours per semester. 
You must be available to work an average of 20 hours per week.
You must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 each semester.
•  Teaching GAs must have 18 graduate semester credit hours in the teaching discipline.

Value of Scholarship: 
The Graduate Assistantship Program provides a $10,000 per year ($5,000 per semester) stipend for the fall and spring semesters. The stipend is disbursed twice monthly, on the 15th and 30th. Over 90 assistantships are offered each year to graduate students.

Scholarship Application Guide: 
To apply;
i. Using the Search portal, find suitable assistantships available and apply.

Scholarship Website: 
Find further information on this scholarship opportunity at the Morehead State Graduate Assistantship Page.