2025|26 Case Western Reserve University International Need-Based Aid (US Based)


Scholarship Awarding University: 

Type of degree: 

Scholarship Deadline: 
Applications for this scholarship will end on the 1st of February, 2025.

Scholarship Summary: 
Case Western Reserve University offers a limited amount of need-based aid to first-year international applicants who can demonstrate significant financial need.

Scholarship Applicant Criteria: 
To be eligible for consideration, applicants must;
i. Be international fee-paying students
ii. Demonstrate significant financial need

Value of Scholarship: 
The CWRU Freshman International Need-Based Aid varies in amount.

Scholarship Application Guide: 
To apply;
i. Submit a complete application for admission by the Jan. 15 deadline.
ii. Complete and submit the CSS Profile which is required for the awarding of need-based institutional grant, loan and campus employment. Case Western Reserve's school code is 1105.

Scholarship Website: 
Find further information on this scholarship opportunity at the CWRU International Student Page.