2024|25 University of Bradford UK Undergraduate Bursary (England Based)


Scholarship Awarding University: 

Type of degree: 

Scholarship Deadline: 
Applications for this scholarship will end on the 31st of July, 2024.

Scholarship Summary: 
The University of Bradford is committed to helping students from all backgrounds access higher education. In 2023/24, UBradford will be offering a cash bursary to all UK/Home students undertaking a full-time undergraduate degree whose family incomes are under £30,000 a year.

Scholarship Applicant Criteria: 
These are the criteria for eligibility;
i. New students starting at the University of Bradford in 2023/24. Students who are studying for a second degree are not eligible. 
ii. Home and EU students paying Home fees and studying full time.
iii. Family income of under £30,000 as assessed by the relevant student finance service.
iv. Students paying the full course fee i.e. £9,250 for a standard degree course.
v. Students on a placement year or those repeating less than 80 credits and paying a partial fee will not be eligible for the bursary payment.
vi. Student must be fully engaging with their programme of study, i.e. attending lectures, handing in coursework and sitting exams as outlined in the Faculty Handbook.

Value of Scholarship: 
The University of Bradford Undergraduate Bursary will be paid out as follows;
i. Year 1: £500
ii. Year 2: £600
iii. Year 3 and subsequent years: £700

Bursaries are paid in the last week of March directly into the student’s bank account via the Student Loans Company.

Scholarship Application Guide: 
University of Bradford will automatically identify eligible students using information from the Student Loans Company – there is no need to apply directly. 

Scholarship Website: 
Find further information on this scholarship opportunity at the University of Bradford Undergraduate Bursary Page.